This is someone who hates there existence. He cuts himself as if he is addicted to it. Countless amount of scars up and down his arms. Scars overlap others. He watches blood run down his arms with a sick smile on his face. His eyes are glossy almost as if he as reached a natural high from this. Does one really deserve this. He cuts himself to deal with emotional pain. He is judged everywhere he goes none really know what pain he has though they just fuel his self loathing. People point and laugh as he cries craving death more than ever. One person started this all. The one that is suppose to care most. The one he lives with. His mother who treats him as If he was trash. He's ready to die he doesn't reject the idea he actually welcomes it. He thinks no one will notice that he has gone. So he does it he takes his life in a matter of seconds. Now he's gone and not here to see all the people who cry for him. His brothers his friends all wish he was still here. And the note he left for all to read said one thing. No one really cares.
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