Okay so I honestly don't know how to explain anything besides the fact that I have been battling depression for about 2 years. Every since all of these feelings have formed I've felt lost. Even though I may seem "happy" deep down I'm dying on the inside.
I've thought about suicide multiple times but seems as if I'm not brave or strong enough I guess you could say, but in reality I'm scared.
I feel once I'm gone everyone will "care" seems like in this society someone has to be famous, or end up dying to get affection.
I've just never felt so lost in my life.
It's summer, well I passed Freshman year in High School (don't know how) I've battled depression and couldn't concentrate. Everything got to me, I got bullied a few times this year. I just had become mainly overwhelmed..
Why? Well, because High School is stressful. I'm not "relived" like most people say they will be.
This honestly will probably be the worse story you've ever seen.
I'm just not good at explaining anything.
But I'm "okay."
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