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depression meets sunshine

depression meets sunshine

By iimochi

He let everything slip away, just like the rain water hitting his face. it felt so refreshing even though he felt sadness tremble through his body. His friends, not exactly friends but he felt left out just like another girl who watched him from a distance.

She had pale skin and was perfectly dry. Unlike him,drowning in the rain with those cold eyes of his as he swept the water from his black shaggy hair. He is always easily mistaken for a emo, or maybe he is?
But she didn't care, he is just like her. Everyday watching their own friends go their own way but thankfully She was in the mood for company. She never liked the rain so much,getting wet felt displeasing to her but why did she go to all the trouble to meet that boy who stood in the rain ever so far away.

With time, she met eye to eye with him. "you'll get sick." she grabbed onto his sleeve and with effort,dragged him to shelter. He looked at the girl wondering who she was as the water from the sky began to soothe down.

She hated it when someone never smiled ,"smile." she laughed as she pinched his face into a smirk. With that,the sun did come out that day with one less lonely boy.

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About This Story
14 Jun, 2011
Read Time
1 min
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