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Digging Crew
Digging Crew

Digging Crew

MistyJJPAmber Jones
1 Review

There’s a little something

In my dancing brown eyes

But don’t you ever worry

I never let it make me cry.

Sure, it hurts, throbs, and stings

But I doubt you’d ever see

The trickling little tears

That I long to set free.

The digging crew comes uninvited

Tears and rips at the thing

Lodged somewhere in my eyes

And I’m pained with each swing.

It’s hard to say how long

They’ve been digging away

For they just keep chipping

With their work full underway.

I doubt they’ll ever find

Whatever it is they seek

For it’s long since buried

Under the damage they wreak.

One day I’ll look in the mirror

Discover two black pits

Won’t recognize the space

Where my eyes used to sit.

For the truth is, the people

Who prod and poke at me

Are only causing damage when they

Think they’re setting me free.

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About The Author
Amber Jones
About This Story
24 Mar, 2021
Read Time
<1 min
1 (View)
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5.0 (1 review)

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