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Don't push her too hard

Don't push her too hard

By reachamongthestars

The best. That's what she was to everyone. Everyone wanted to be her, everyone except for Travie. They were twins, meant to be equal, but somehow their parents had placed all their "love" and "care" into her.

Travie understood. She loved him for it. But at school, it was a different story. Travie would be at the bottom of the social ladder, and she would be at the top, without trying. Every guy wanted her and she aced every exam, was the pet of every damned teacher. At home, she was all smiley and perfect in front of the parents. She kept her act up in front of anyone and they loved her for it. She covered herself up to everyone except for Travie.

Every night, he could hear her cry in the room next to his, this would wake him up but he would creep ever so gently into her room and comfort her. "I can't do this, Travie, I can't do this anymore." she would say over and over again with a deranged look in her eyes.
Travie didn't know what to do, he had no one to turn to and he was scared, he feared for his sister. He wanted to get help.

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About This Story
22 Apr, 2011
Read Time
1 min
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