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Doxa, Episteme And Gnosis (Δόξα, Επιστήμη και Γνώση)
Doxa, Episteme And Gnosis (Δόξα, Επιστήμη και Γνώση)

Doxa, Episteme And Gnosis (Δόξα, Επιστήμη και Γνώση)

Franc68Lorient Montaner

-From my text on the Logos (The Word).

The three original forms of knowledge in Greek philosophy represent the fundamental distinctions of knowledge, in accordance to the philosophy of Meleticism. Doxa is knowledge based on opinion. Episteme is knowledge based on reason. Gnosis is knowledge based on experience. What these forms of knowledge represent in their essence are commonly known, as the natural expression of knowledge. Neither one of them is superior to another because they are considered to involve our senses. This would imply the use of our sentient awareness. Each one of these forms of knowledge has a specific attachment and value to the formation of our wisdom. They have a philosophical purpose.

When we apply these forms of knowledge to our mental faculties, we are essentially revealing the true nature of our rationality. It is a rationality that is the source for the foundation of our thoughts. Philosophy teaches us the supreme relevance about knowledge and how to perceive its practice and meaning. The validity of our knowledge is measured by the application of our noesis. What makes our knowledge significant to us is the fact that instinctively, we are seeking answers to our questions. It is our human nature that compels us to be inquisitive and interested in knowing what lies beyond the simplicity of our own thoughts. It is through the introspective methods of reason and logic that we discover the undeniable value of knowledge.

These forms of knowledge do not mean that there are no other forms of knowledge that could be applied. There is also scientific knowledge, practical knowledge and basic knowledge, but in Meleticism, the actual forms of knowledge of doxa, episteme and gnosis are mostly considered to be linked to the origin to our concept of knowledge. What makes these forms of knowledge particular are their expression and usage of their information. Philosophy is the instrumentality to expanding our knowledge and also acquiring meaningful wisdom. Without wisdom, we are irrational thinkers. Without rationality, we are a vacuum of incoherence. Thus, knowledge is a vital part of our every day thoughts and ideas.

When we are thinking, we are assuming something that is based on our knowledge. It is a criterion of choice and decision that assist us in the pursuit of understanding life and the world. Our knowledge evolves in time, as does the access to its primary function. By understanding what knowledge represents as a benefit to our intuition, then we are able to conceive that knowledge through the process of logic. Knowledge is either the measure of our wisdom or our ignorance. We are born with the capacity to know, but we must gain knowledge through opinion, experience and reason. What is knowledge, without substance? What is the truth, without knowledge?

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Lorient Montaner
About This Story
10 Aug, 2024
Read Time
2 mins
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