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To the Man Whom I Owe My Life To
To the Man Whom I Owe My Life To

To the Man Whom I Owe My Life To

kirra_cameronKirra Cameron

One day I will become more mature,
One day I will become a young adult.
But, I will never forget my first love.
The man to whom I owe my life - My Dad.
One day I will grow up and move out.
One day I will be away from your watchful eyes.
But, not matter where i’ll go,
I’ll hold you close.
Because. My Daddy - was the man who
Helped me fly.

There in every memory
I see his love and care.
His strength and hands to count on.
Freely he does share.
To make my dreams come true,
A father is God’s chosen one,
To lead his family from a point of view.
A father is what everyone young little girl
Wishes for.
But, I’m super grateful to have a father.
Just like I do.

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About The Author
Kirra Cameron
About This Story
6 Sep, 2017
Read Time
<1 min
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