Dry Throated
HoboDry Throated
Helpless in the awe of acceptance
Throats are dry from screaming silence
Medicines flow
Children are born
And through suffering
We learn of hiding places
The sentence has been given
Age is the isolation
Care homes grow
The elderly die
And through hardened hearts
We are taught of dark places
Helpless in the schism of secrets
Stomachs are empty from indulgence
You have not looked within like I have
And seen such discernment
The crime has been committed
Rage is the obligation
Good homes die
The young grow
And with hardened hearts
They learn of darker places
Matchstick hopes
Productive only in the fire
Of cathartic suffering
Inflicted on others
And instigated in self
Drugs flow
Children are born
Helpless in the ache of acceptance
Their throats grow dry from screaming
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