On this plane of Space and Time
Can one afford to remain blind?
No human knows it all.
Just know: dominos fall.
The boomerang returns,
Maneuvering its turn.
Acts always come back.
Futures hang on this fact.
How many mini and mega events
Have we unknowingly brushed up against?
Eventuality sets the tone --
Even events aren't set in stone.
Outcomes are hiding.
As yet it's undecided.
Chances are branches
Extending and bending
Into potentially infinite
Endings and circumstances.
Decisions are magicians
Conjuring dimensions.
This and that tactic
Matches any magic.
Certain words spoken,
Something done (or nothing) --
Circles surely broken,
Portals invisibly opened.
A "theory" that's eerie
And elusive:
The future is fluid
And inconclusive.
Cause and Effect?
Cause an effect.
The Select Effect:
Selections affect effects.
Inside this factory of factors
Decide that nothing doesn't matter.
The smallest detail and minute --
God and the devil both in it.
(E)very (L)ittle (T)hing ...
Oh what it brings.
©️ Matt Decker
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