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By king2979

He walked up to me and put his hand on mine. I sat on the bed. He looked down at me and grinned. He got down on both knees, because he has knee problems and asked me a simple question, This question was simple but not too simple. "Will you marry me?" A small question indeed, but it had a large meaning. It meant sending my whole life with him and not once leaving his side. 
I was 13 and he was 17. To this day I wonder if I had done the right thing. We had a small wedding with close relatives and best friends. It was in our yard and my sister. Kara, was my maid of honor. My two best friends, Monica and Yara, were my bridesmaids. I am so happy that I had said yes. It is the best thing I could have ever done. Young we were but together we were meant to be. I gaze into his eyes every now and then and think back to that day.
We had both stayed home from school. There was a lot going on at home, We lived together already, because of our parents dating. My dad had passed a while back and my mom met my now stepdad and dad in law, Dale. Dale was out of town for a few days and my mom let me and him stay out of school for the day since neither one of us wanted to go to school. While I was still sleeping he had told my mom about me and him getting married. He had asked me before two weeks before it being official. He told her and she gave him her engagement ring from my dad. It was our anniversary so he gave me breakfast in bed and a few long kisses. Then once I was fully awake he came back in the room. He asked me once more this time and handed me a ring. It was a skinny gold ring that was twisted in the middle with a small diamond in the center. I put it on my left hand ring finger. 
Yes, it was a lovely day. We were young and most would stay stupid. Or most would say that it was incest. We weren't blood and yes I got teased a lot about it, but it was all worth it because I now spend my entire life with him. Through thick and thin. We live in a small log house, not too small not too big. It is in the mountains where I have always wanted to live. We own three horses and have a son, Darron, and a daughter, Snowflake. Darron is tall like him, around 6' 6" and only 17. He has gorgeous sea blue eyes. Snowflake is short with hazel eyes but the most beautiful pale skin.
Love at first sight is true. Love is true. Love isn't a lie or a truth. Love is always being there for each other, It means never leaving and always forgiving no matter what. I love him forever and always, Forever is a long time and a long time I want to spend with him.

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18 Nov, 2015
Read Time
2 mins
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