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Everything to Me
Everything to Me

Everything to Me

Morgan172Morgan Sky

Sometimes these feelings

just won't go away

I hate how they feel

But don't really know

How to let them go


Sometimes my emotions seem to dull

Until I don't even know

What I'm feeling

And I just ache numbly

Waiting for things to make sense

But it doesn't


These days come sometimes

When I have no idea

What to do

How to be

What I'm feeling

And I can't seem to care


But then you come

I feel happy again

And we talk

I have fun

We both laugh

Until it's time for me to leave

And the loneliness comes back


But even when it hits me

With waves of pain

I remember that I'll see you again


And that means hope


And i make a promise to myself

To never let go of that hope

Because if i did

The world would spin

With all its beautiful things

And i wouldn't care

But because of you

I do


And it means everything to me.

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About The Author
Morgan Sky
About This Story
1 May, 2019
Read Time
<1 min
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