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Falling: Part 3 (I Am Fo Sure This Time)
Falling: Part 3 (I Am Fo Sure This Time)

Falling: Part 3 (I Am Fo Sure This Time)

1 Review

Maverik POV

She's pregnant!?

"I wanted to give this to you." Zara hands me a piece of paper she had feld up

"Don't open it until you get back to your place, I guess." She tells me and I'm confused

"Okay, Zara."

She heads out after an hour and I lock the gym up

I open the piece of paper she feld up and noticed it was a phone number.

I message the phone number and get an almost immediate response.

Me: Hi, is this Zara?

Her: Oh! Yeah, this is Zara.

Me: ok. Why did you give me ur phone number?

Zara: Idk. I just decided 2.

Me: how do u just decide 2?

Zara: Idk. I gotta go. Bye

She didn't say anything else and I didn't mind, so I slipped into my bed and fell into a dreamless sleep

Zara POV

I was shocked when he messaged me but I hurried and told him I had to go.

Then I raced down the stairs and dished up dinner, which was actually done.

"Hey, mom? There is a party going on later and me and the guys wanna-"

"Fine, fine you can go. But bring your sister."

"What!? No thanks. I want to head to bed early cause I woke up too soon this morning. You can go without me..." I mumble the last part then hear a knock on the front door.

"Were either of you expecting someone?" Dad asked us.

"I'm not," I replied but got up and looked out of the peephole.

"Holy. Shit. No no no no no" I looked again to make sure.

My eyes were not mistaking me.

I grabbed the gun that is under the shoe rack

"H-hi" fear laced my voice.

The man chuckled.

He didn't say anything.

I knew this man though.

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About This Story
2 May, 2021
Read Time
1 min
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5.0 (1 review)

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