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By franznar12

Regnum Naris is a ordinary boy in this story, He lives in
a country called Phillacos,Rin Naris and Julio Naris His Lovable parents. He has an Elder Bother and Sister.
The story Begins Now.

Regnum is now going home from school, and he see his elder brother Ran playing in a Internet cafe, Regnum go inside the establishment to see his Brother. When Regnum enters the internet cafe He talks to his brother.

Regnum: What are you doing Ran?
Ran: Oh!! Regnum What are you doing here?
Regnum: I saw you here saw I decided to go here to check you.
Could you please answer my question.
Ran: I'm playing this game, FPS War games!!
Regnum: FPS War..... What?
Ran: FPS War Games, a game that you shoot your enemies!!!
Regnum: Whoa!!
Ran: Look at this... (Ran shows to Regnum what he plays)
Regnum: Wow I want to play this game. Would you mind?
Ran: Okay I teach you.
After one hour playing of this game, Regnum is really addicted to
FPS games.
Ran: Let's go home now Regnum.
Regnum: okay.

When they return to their home, He speak and speak of that game.

Two months later, Regnum is really addicted to war games,
and the result he become war freak, thanks to his brother!!
His Sister and His mother tried to stop him becoming a war freak.
But it's too late!!.

Regnum really loves weapon, watch war movies, and other military stuff. He really loves war.

One day His father talk to him.
His father says " Wars is not good, It's absolutely pointless"
Regnum is doesn't concern what his father tell him.

Three years later.
Regnum is gong home from internet cafe,
He saw peoples is getting ready. He saw some soldiers
wandering in their town.
When he is in front of his house He saw some military men,
His parents saw him, They tell him about the conflicts happening on their country, Cinox Country is ready to invade us.
Regnum Cried: Why?
Julio: Because they know there was an oil in here son.
Regnum: whoa!!
Julio: Son this military men is here get you.
Regnum: Why?
Julio: You have reached 18 year old, you and your brother need to go war.
Rin and his sister cried!!
Regnum: So we become soldiers?
Julio: Yes son.
Rin: Regnum, Ran always be careful, Please come back. *sniff sniff*
Both: Yes Mother.

3 months of training, the conflict between Philacos and
Cinox starts, Thousands of people died, Millions of properties

5 months later the war stop. Cinox failed to get the area where the oil is placed, thanks to UC -United Countries-

There was knocking on a front door in Naris Residents.
Rin and Julio opened it and they see their son Ran!

Rin embraced Ran!!

Julio: Ran thank goodness your safe!!
Wheres your bother Regnum?
Ran: Wars is not good, It's absolutely pointless

(Regnum Died, He'd been shot in his vital organs,
Before he died he spoke to his brother what his father
told him.
"Wars is not good, It's absolutely pointless")

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About This Story
17 Mar, 2011
Read Time
2 mins
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