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Fear Just Isn't Her Color
Fear Just Isn't Her Color

Fear Just Isn't Her Color

2 Reviews

“Selene, Margaret, have you seen what she’s been wearing lately?” Georgette asked in a furtive stage whisper, mischief sparkling in her eyes.

Selene looked up from her conversation with Margaret and evenly met Georgette’s gaze. “Georgette, dear, some Prudence would carry you a long way if you ever thought to try it on. Who on earth are you talking about?”

“Oh, don’t be so dull, Selene, you know who I’m talking about. Just look at her!”

Three pairs of analytical eyes turned towards a young lady just across the ballroom, sitting on a bench against a wall as she waited for a gentleman to ask her to dance. The clothing that had earned Georgette’s disapproval was a long evening gown the color of Worry, embellished with details in Anxiety and Insecurity. Most every accessory she wore was some shade of Sorrow, save for a pair of long gloves the color of Hope. Before she could notice their scrutiny, they turned back towards each other.

Selene let out a soft groan.

“Oh my, the poor thing,” Margaret said. “Fear is not a good color on her.”

“Not good?” Georgette tittered. “It’s absolutely ghastly! I haven’t any idea what’s gotten into her head, to dress like that.”

“That child seems completely intent on becoming a fashion disaster,” Selene murmured, taking a sip of her wine. “Fear and Hope together? I wish she would at least take into consideration some of the advice I’ve given her.”

“She’s just growing. It may take her some time to sort things out for herself, but the best we can do for her is trust that she will,” Margaret said.

Georgette let out an exasperated sigh. “That’s what you always say, but it’s been so long since she’s worn anything that suits her. I can’t imagine what’s happened. She used to always wear such lovely things, all shades of Joy and Enthusiasm.”

Snorting softly, Selene interjected, “Those are children’s colors. Did you expect her to remain a child forever?”

“No,” Georgette blushed. “But surely she could at least wear a little of it! She’s always going about wearing Sorrow, or Agony, or Loneliness, and now she’s running about with Anxiety and Insecurity on! If she keeps wearing what she has been for too long, she’s never going to find herself any beaux. Men don’t care for women who dress in such dreary and gloomy things.”

“Even if that’s true, don’t you think we should worry a bit more about why she’s chosen to wear it than whether or not any young men will find her attractive?” Margaret chided.

Georgette had the good grace to look somewhat abashed, and Selene’s disdainful expression softened a bit. “Of course we care about that, Margaret,” Selene said. “But can you blame us for wishing to see our girl looking truly beautiful in something that suits her?”

“No, of course not,” Margaret said. All three of them turned back to the young lady, watching her thoughtfully. She had evidently been asked to dance, and was laughing at something her partner had said to her.

After a moment, Selene’s face went pale as she let out a gasp. “Goodness, is that a bit of Love I see on her bodice?”

“What?!” Georgette cried as all three of them craned their necks to get a better look. Sure enough, just peeking out from beneath her sash the color of Hurt was the corner of a bright, Love-colored handkerchief.

“Oh my,” Margaret said, “I’m sure the poor dear didn’t mean for anyone to see that.”

“Well, if she didn’t mean for anyone to see it, whatever possessed her to put it on in the first place?” Selene said indignantly.

“Nevermind that,” Georgette said. “The better question is who do you suppose it’s meant to be for?” She leaned forward a bit, though from the angle they were standing at, it was unlikely that doing so would provide a better perspective. “Oooh, I think that the shade she’s wearing might be Romance! Could it be for her dance partner, perhaps? He looks like a nice fellow.”

Selene scoffed. “It looks more like Infatuation than Romance to me.”

“Whatever shade of Love it is, it may just explain the Fear as well,” Margaret said. “You both know how nerve-wracking it can be when you wear Love, especially when it was meant to be covered up.”

The other two murmured their agreement.

After a moment, Selene said, “Well, explained or not, I do hope she gains some fashion sense sooner rather than later. Fear is not her color. She would be simply enchanting in a full gown of Serenity and Grace.”

“And completely boring,” Georgette giggled. “I think Euphoria and Hope would suit her much better.”

“It’s not up to us to decide what our girl is going to grow up to be. Whatever she chooses to wear in the future, I’m sure that she’ll be just lovely,” Margaret said.

Again, the other two ladies agreed with her. They watched their young friend for just a moment longer as the dance ended. As her partner led her away from the dance floor, she finally noticed the eyes of her friends on her. Giving them a smile, she began walking towards them.

“Yes,” Margaret said softly, “I think she’s going to be just lovely.”

Author Notes: This was an idea I was kind of playing with for a bit, and I decided to turn it into a story. I'd love to hear what people think of it!

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31 Mar, 2021
Read Time
4 mins
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