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Fear Of The Unknown (Ο φόβος του αγνώστου)
Fear Of The Unknown (Ο φόβος του αγνώστου)

Fear Of The Unknown (Ο φόβος του αγνώστου)

Franc68Lorient Montaner

-From my text on the Logos (The Word).

There is a certain fear that is understood in the philosophical sense and belief of which affects our state of mind. It is revealed in the surreal shadows of darkness that are concealed in our inner self. What it represents in its entirety is the appearance of a deeper truth that we tend to ignore or dismiss its relevance. There is a common factor witnessed between its expression and function. It is when our life is spiralling out of control that we feel trapped in our cage of anxiety and fear. We allow the mind to wander into a vast and undiscovered space that is infinite in its nature. Once we are there amidst this presence, we are unable to release the manacles that bound us. This type of fear is one that has one name in Meleticism, the fear of the unknown. It has several faces such as death, uncertainty and doom which are aligned to our fate.

To dread the unknown is to inadvertently succumb to the most unbearable effect that we confront as humans. We fear the things that we cannot vanish in our lives. Thus, we become intuitively emotional and detached from our consequential reality. Our predicament then evolves from our inability to comprehend the sequence of events that lead to the causation of our growing fears. Philosophy prepares us for the knowledge that relates to our human nature and character. We learn to control our ego and to overcome our difficulties, but we seem to be uncertain about our power to achieve balance over the influence of fear. It is like being lost in a gloomy tunnel of a dungeon that has no way out and has no light to reflect. We discover the true image of fear, when we are suffering and astray in life.

Why do we fear death, when we know that it is inevitable? Why do we hesitate to remove the veil that hides our insecurities? Are we afraid of not knowing what occurs in the sequence that ensues afterwards? Our shadows are only the illusion of our truth. Belief in the One does not eradicate our fears completely, because we are humans who are predisposed to our fallibilities since our birth, but through our belief in the Enas, we can proceed to strengthen our minds, bodies and souls with conviction and fortitude. It is not an expectation that we should strive to effectuate. It is more of an aspiration that depends on us for the procurement of its actual fulfilment. When we understand that we are not of permanence in the body, then we can relinquish our need to preserve its physical beauty. Instead, we should concern ourselves more with the preservation of its substance that connects it to our consciousness.

The worst fear that someone can have is the fear of the unknown. To not know what lies beyond the world that we know or the life that we live. Life is measured in episodes that are either temporary or lasting in their duration, but the truth is that we are only a transience of time manifested by reality. The contrast between life and death is enveloped by the certainty of their occurrence. We know that we are born into this world, and one day we shall die. What we cannot control should not burden us. We should concentrate more on what we can control. Self-acceptance is the beginning to a philosophical healing that permits us to leave behind our emotional, mental or physical scars. The belief in oneself is the next step in one's journey to enlightenment. The awareness of the presence of the Enas is the final destination to liberating oneself of insurmountable fears. Fear in itself cannot harm us, unless we permit it to defeat us. It is only a thought and nothing more in its true essence. The One is ultimate freedom.

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Lorient Montaner
About This Story
25 Nov, 2024
Read Time
3 mins
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