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By sKullkittehs

Can't go to the fair in the town
She has Coulrophobia
she is scared of a clown

Little boy is called, "uncool"
He has Potamophobia
he is scared of his own pool
(Actually it means that your scared of running water, but I need to rhyme)

Teen aged girl can't go to the mall
She has pediophobia
she is scared of dolls

Mother was stuck in her room all year
She has Phobophobia
she has a fear of fears

All the fears that start with A
Ablutophobia: It is a persistent and irrational fear of bathing, washing or cleaning. The phobia is more common in women and children, especially with people who are extremely emotional.

Acarophobia: It is an abnormal and exaggerated fear of mites, small insects, or worms that cause itching.

Acerophobia: It is an intense fear of sourness or things that are sour in taste.

Achluophobia: It is a morbid fear associated with darkness that can create a catastrophic situation for a person especially at night; also called lygophobia, myctophobia, scotophobia.

Acousticophobia: It is an exaggerated or irrational fear of noise and sounds including one's own sound.

Acrophobia: It is an extreme or irrational fear of heights. Also known as altophobia, batophobia or hypsiphobia, the person having acrophobia may get a pain attack when at a high place, and become too agitated to get himself down safely. Read more on: How to Overcome Fear of Heights.

Aerophobia: It is an abnormal fear associated with drafts of air, air swallowing, fresh air or airborne noxious substances that can cause severe anxiety in the sufferers. Read more on: How to Overcome Fear of Flying.

Aeroacrophobia: It is a persistent and intense fear related to open and high places.

Aeronausiphobia: It is an unusual and irrational fear of being sick or vomiting in a plane. The phobia is mainly related to people who experience sickness while traveling especially through aircrafts.

Agateophobia: It is a persistent and abnormal fear of insanity or loss of mental health. Also known by terms like dementophobia, maniaphobia, feared madness, this phobia causes distress and sudden pain attacks in the sufferers.

Agliophobia: It is an irrational fear of pain, getting hurt or being injured. The victims of this phobia avoid situations that can cause any kind of physical confrontation or opposition.

Agoraphobia: It is an irrational fear of crowded/public places or even leaving a safe place. Also known as demophobia and enochlophobia, the agoraphobic situations may include shopping, crowded places, traveling, standing in line, social gatherings and even being alone.

Agraphobia: It is a persistent fear of sexual abuse, attack, rape or any abusive relationship. Also known as contreltophobia, the person having this phobia may be frightened of any kind of sexual intimacy, and would eventually stay away from the outside world and keep himself relatively housebound.

Agrizoophobia: It is an abnormal and immense fear of wild animals. The phobia is caused by over estimating the danger due to the wild or jungle animals.

Agyrophobia: It is a persistent and intense fear of crossing streets, highways and other thoroughfares. Also termed as dromophobia, the person may have a phobia of being attacked on the street and unable to protect or defend himself while crossing the street.

Aichmophobia: It is an extreme and irrational fear of sharp or pointed objects like needles, knives or even a pointed finger. It is also known by terms, like, belonephobia, trypanophobia, enetophobia or just needle phobia.

Ailurophobia: It is an abnormal fear of cats. Also known as felinophobia, elurophobia and gatophobia, the person suffering from ailurophobia may fear physical injuries through bites, scratches or even perceived supernatural nature of cats.

Albuminurophobia: It is a persistent and irrational fear of any kind of kidney disease. The phobia is caused by overestimating the dangers due to the disease and believing that it may be life-threatening, which in reality may not be.

Alektorophobia: It is an intense and strange fear of chickens in which the person may be frightened of every small thing related to a chicken, like, feathers, eggs or any other body part. The person suffering from this phobia gets terrified by the sight of a chicken or becomes scared even when people utter the word 'chicken'.

Algophobia: It is an exaggerated and intense fear of pain. Also known as odynophobia or odynephobia, it's an anxiety disorder where the sufferer is scared of experiencing pain or seeing others experiencing it.

Alliumphobia: It is an extraordinary and irrational fear of garlic. Victims usually experience an eccentric reaction whenever they see or smell garlic. It is also believed that vampires are notoriously alliumphobic.

Allodoxaphobia: It is an unjustified and irrational fear of the opinions, confrontations, arguments and even praise from others; also known as doxophobia.

Amathophobia: It is a strange and persistent fear of dust, in which the sufferers experience anxiety even though they know dust poses no major threat or harm to them. The phobia is also called as koniophobia.

Amaxophobia: It is an intense and irrational fear of sitting or traveling in any type of moving vehicle. Also called hamaxophobia or ochophobia, people suffering from amaxophobia are often confined to home or restrict their movements to places that are within easy walking distance of the home.

Ambulophobia: It is an unusual fear of walking or standing, in which people may prefer to crawl on their hands and knees rather than walking. The phobia is also known by terms like basophobia, basiphobia, stasibasiphobia or stasiphobia and is more common in people who had been through a leg injury, and are recovering from a fracture or severe paralysis which has made them motionless for some time.

Amnesiphobia: It is an intense and severe fear of amnesia, a memory loss condition in which the person is unable to recall anything, ranging from names to daily life activities.

Amychophobia: It is an abnormal and morbid fear of being scratched, lacerated or clawed particularly by cats, dogs, puppies and kittens.

Anablephobia: It is an irrational and persistent fear of looking up; not necessarily the sky, could be ceilings, tall buildings, etc.

Ancraophobia: It is an unusual fear of wind that causes anxiety in the person. Also known as anemophobia, this phobia is attributed to some incident in the past which makes the person fear wind and its tremendous power.

Androphobia: It is an abnormal or morbid fear of men. Also known as arrhenphobia or hominophobia, people suffering from this phobia experience anxiety and avoid situations or places where men are present.

Anginophobia: It is a persistent and irrational fear of angina, choking, suffocating or narrowness of the throat. Also known as pnigophobia or pnigerophobia, this phobia is more common in people who have a past history of heart diseases, cardiac arrest or choking, etc.

Anglophobia: It is an unusual fear or hatred of England, its people, language or culture. The phobia may develop in people due to past human rights abuses, wars, racial or religious hatred or a good natured rivalry.

Angrophobia: It is an overwhelming and aberrant fear of anger and/or of becoming angry. The person suffering from this phobia may fear that his/her anger can hurt another person’s feelings or can intensify and turn to violence. Also known as cholerophobia, an angrophobic person may totally withdraw from socializing and may actively avoid contact with others.

Ankylophobia: It is an exaggerated and unreasonable fear of stiff or immobile joints which may develop in a person due to an intense negative experience from the past.

Anthrophobia: It is an abnormal or irrational fear of flowers. Also known as anthophobia, a person having this phobia may get terrified seeing flowers, florists, wreaths and bouquets.

Anthropophobia: It is an abnormal and unwarranted fear of people or society in which the person experiences unusual and extreme difficulty in interacting with others, and hence actively avoids social and crowded gatherings.

Antlophobia: It is an exaggerated and aberrant fear of floods, entrapment in water or getting drown in water.

Anuptaphobia: It is an unusual and persistent fear of remaining unmarried, being single or getting married to a wrong person. The phobia usually develops in a person due to a combination of external traumatic events and internal predispositions. Read more on: Tips for Hopelessly Single Women

Apeirophobia: It is an abnormal and exaggerated fear of infinity or things that never ends.

Aphenphosmphobia: It is an unusual and weird fear of touching or being touched. Also known as aphephobia, chiraptophobia, haphephobia, haphophobia, hapnophobia, haptephobia, haptophobia and thixophobia, it is an intense exaggeration of the normal tendencies to protect one's personal space, expressed as a fear of contamination or of the invasion not only from strangers but also from known people. Read more on: Weird Phobias: List of Funny and Unusual Phobias.

Apiphobia: It is a persistent fear of bees or being stung by bees. Also known as melissophobia, people usually develop this phobia if they have encountered a sting in the past from a honeybee or wasp.

Apotemnophobia: It is an irrational and unwarranted fear a person may have of becoming an amputee or from people with amputations.

Arachibutyrophobia: It is an abnormal and exaggerated fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. The person having phobia may get extremely annoyed or embarrassed to pull out the stuck butter from the upper part of the mouth, especially in a crowded or public place.

Arachnephobia: It is a persistent and intense fear of spiders. Also known as arachnophobia, it is the most common type of animal phobia, which terrifies the person with the animal's moves and appearance.

Arithmophobia: It is an irrational or illogical fear of numbers and calculations. Also known as numerophobia, sufferers primarily find difficulty in learning mathematics and arithmetic properly.

Arsonphobia: It is a persistent and intense fear of fire or arson, or anything set on fire. The phobia is also known as pyrophobia.

Asthenophobia: It is an exaggerated and abnormal fear of fainting or weakness. By practicing basic relaxation techniques and breathing exercises, the sufferer can counteract some of the physical symptoms of the phobia.

Astraphobia: It is an irrational and persistent fear of thunderstorms and lightning. Also known as astrapophobia, brontophobia, ceraunophobia, keraunophobia and tonitrophobia, the sufferers experience anxiety and restlessness due to thunder and lightning, and when indoors, they may seek shelter under a bed, in a closet or in a basement.

Astrophobia: It is an exaggerated and intense fear of stars, celestial space or universe.

Asymmetriphobia: It is an unusual fear of asymmetrical, mismatched, one-sided things or things that lack symmetry.

Ataxiophobia: It is an abnormal and intense fear of ataxia (clumsy, unsteady movement of limbs due to muscular dysfunction) or inability to co-ordinate muscles.

Ataxophobia: It is an exaggerated and unreasonable fear of disorder, untidiness, chaos or mess.

Atelophobia: It is an intense and irrational fear of imperfection and defects in which the sufferers exhibit the phobia of failing to achieve perfection in any of their actions, beliefs and ideas.

Atephobia: It is a persistent and unwarranted fear of ruined or old buildings, or things getting ruined or damaged.

Athazagoraphobia: It is an exaggerated and intense fear of being forgotten, ignored or replaced. The person having this phobia may experience depression, anger and deliberate isolation even with a small thought of being forgotten or ignored.

Atomosophobia: It is a persistent and intense fear of atomic or nuclear explosions, bombs, wars, etc.

Atychiphobia: It is an exaggerated and irrational fear of failure or failing. Also known as kakorrhaphiophobia, this phobia is usually caused by an intense negative experience from the past.

Aulophobia: It is an abnormal and unreasonable fear of flutes and other woodwind instruments.

Aurophobia: It is an irrational or unusual fear of gold or golden things/objects.

Auroraphobia: It is an exaggerated and persistent fear of aurorae or northern and southern lights, which are natural light displays in the sky at night, particularly observed in the polar regions.

Autodysomophobia: It is an unusual or abnormal fear of one that has a vile or bad odor. Also known as bromidrosiphobia,in this the person has phobia of one's own body odor no matter how many times he/she takes a bath or shower.

Automatonophobia: It is an irrational and persistent fear of ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, humanoid robots, wax statues or other figures that are designed to represent humans.

Automysophobia: It is an exaggerated and morbid fear of germs, of being dirty or unclean; also called misophobia, mysophobia, rupophobia, rhypophobia or verminophobia.

Autophobia: It is an abnormal and intense fear of loneliness, solitude, of being alone or by oneself. Also known as cremophobia, eremophobia, isolophobia or monophobia, the person suffering from this phobia may experience anxiety and will always worry about being ignored or unloved. Read more on: Fear of Abandonment.

Aviatophobia: It is an irrational or unwarranted fear of flying. Also known as aviophobia, pteromechanophobia, people suffering from this phobia become anxious and stressed at the thought of any transportation that involves air travel.

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29 Jun, 2011
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