The flame is lit
The anger sparks
The water is still
The calm before the storm
The crackle of the fire
The pounding of the heart
The warmth comes
The restlessness begins
The bubbles rise
The fists clench
The steam leaks out
The arm pulls back
The bubbles go faster
The rush of adrenaline
The Kettle whistles
The fist meets its target
The bubbles spill out
Another punch is delivered
The whistle turns to a scream
A shriek is heard in the growing crowd
The kettle continues
The fight rages on
The stove is turned off
The two are seperated
The scream goes silent
The crowd scurries away
The bubbles slow down
Each breath is ragged
The steam is gone
Their injuries are cared for
The kettle relaxes
The fight is over
The water is poured
The quiet is back
The tea is made
One victory, one loss
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