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Fishes and plastics bags are not good friends

Fishes and plastics bags are not good friends

By Khalas

The eight year old Celine Leger went to spend the weekend with her aunt in the city. Aunt Kaline asked: what would you like to do on saterday afternoon?. Celine replied: I would like to go to the beach and see the big ocean.

Celine was born and raised in the village. she has never seen the ocean before. She was very excited to go and at the beach, what she saw that saturday made her very sad and she felt so compassionate with many fishes fighting for their lives over plastics death.

that saturday afternoon, Celine had witnessed a group of fishermen rescuing a big fish which was choked by tonnes of plastics. Celine was very conscious that the big fish was going to die and that there might be thoudands of fishes in the ocean facing this awful death. Later at home, her aunt explained to ther that it is due to the pollution of the sea and that pollution is caused by humans. Celine couldnt sleep for many days as she always remeber the dying fish.

Back to the village, she narrated the incident to her classmates. together, the children took the subject to their teacher; expecting a possible solution to save the fishes in the ocean. Many days have passed and the teacher could not bring any satisfying answer to Celine and her mates.

One morning, the children wrote every board in each classroom: Fishes and plastics are not good friends.

the sentence has quickly spread all over. It has called on the responsibility of the entire community.

Celine and her mates started cleaning every public place every saturday morning.


Author Notes: Patrice Assiongbon Sowanou

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6 Apr, 2020
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1 min
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