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Flaming Sky

Flaming Sky

By sKullkittehs

I sit in the grass, wind blowing my long dark hair. Tears roll down my cheeks like when you only turn on the tap water half way. I think of my grandfather's death, I didn't know him, for I was too young. Then I notice it has started to get dark, I check my watch it's only seven, I can stay until eight. Then I look up, the light beams on my bright green eyes, I see the sunset. Orange, yellow, and red mixed together. Beauty. That was the word that popped into my head. It looked like the sky was on fire, fire dancing on it's wood. Keeping a family warm, I turn around thinking it's perfect time to ride my bike home in the sunset, I'd look so mysterious! I turn around to only see a little boy standing behind me. He was playing football with his dad, I remember playing football with my dad and brother, I was just a little girl then so I would always drop the football, plus I'd always fall over. Picturing those moments in the summers when nobody cared about diets or fashion just made me want to go back in time to play one more game of football. That reminded me of me and my best friend's first sleepover. We ate popcorn and watched funny movies, we had so much fun. Now everything is so peaceful, It's time to go home with my happy memories.

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About This Story
16 Jun, 2011
Read Time
1 min
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