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By Lys

I used to be that woman. Down ass bitch. Fight for love. For my family. Forgiving. I could make it work through anything. That was false hope. Sellin pipe dreams. I fell in love with that dream. I fought the wrong fight. Chosen wrong paths. But it’s okay. This is all life lessons. I am young. I am beautiful. And I am taking control of my life. I no longer want to cry every night about heartache and pain. Because life is so much more than living in the past. You can love someone and truly always feel that. But I understand that love also doesn’t need to be endured like this. For years I’ve made excuses and tried to make it work. But I realized, you can’t find happiness in someone who is happy on their own path. We used to walk side to side.. Not anymore. For so long I’ve walked behind you trying to play..catch up.. just to be someone I thought you needed me to be.. But fuck that. I’m taking my own road.. I’m solo. Single.. And loving myself. Focused.

Author Notes: From the heart and mind.

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About This Story
21 Aug, 2019
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<1 min
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