Matt DeckerEvery part of me
All that will ever be
Vibrates upon the
Waves of Frequency.
Much more than a theory
It's everything, you see --
Creating all of Reality
This law of Frequency.
Frequency higher:
Personal power.
Frequency lower:
Progress slower.
Free, you see
By Frequency.
The release
Of potentiality
By increase
Of Frequency.
The dream evades me
(I have come to see)
For I haven't reached
A higher degree
Of this Frequency.
Suffer I needlessly
By the delinquency
Of a weak Frequency.
From emergency
Emerge I to see
Emerge I to be
The sum totality
Of my Frequency.
I will be
The Me I see
Mentally, you see.
Friends will see
(And enemies)
The increase
Of my Frequency.
I see me free
By my Frequency.
When it hurts
Amp the hertz.
When it's dire
Crank the power.
When bedeviled
Raise the level.
No matter what
Increase the watts.
Think "it" frequently.
Set the frequency.
©️ Matt Decker
Author Notes: See also my poem "Higher"
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