One cool, damp, misty day, a young man was taking a stroll upon the moors. The surroundings were hardly visible, but the man knew exactly where he was going.
There was one thing, which the man was oblivious of at that moment.
He was not alone on the moors.
Something was lurking out there and it was after him.
There sounded a deep, ghastly, demonic, blood-curdling howl.
The man froze in terror, wondering what on Earth had made the noise.
A moment later, there sounded another fiendish howl. Only it was nearer. Then there came a third, even closer than the last.
Something was definitely out on those moors. It did not sound friendly.
The man had the uneasy suspicion that it was some kind of ferocious dog. He could hear it snarling, growling and panting. Worst of all, it was approaching him fast.
So he began to run, as fast as possible, but it was far too late.
One quick glance back and he saw the thing that was chasing him. A huge, black, ghost hound with blood-stained jaws and luminous, bright green eyes.
With a thunderous roar, the hungry beast pounced on the man and devoured him alive.
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