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i am a 13 year old girl named alli yeah iv dated a lot of boys but mabye to meany and now that i think of it i never liked any of them i'v all was had a fellings for ther sisters or ex girlfriends

so the truth is im gay

time to tell mom and dad "dad i need to tell you somethig" alli says "ok hun what is it " says her dad "i like girls "

"i know hun i'v knowed for years your not like a lot of other girl as a kid u never liked playing with toys u liked helping me with cars so how are you going to tell your mom?" says her dad whiel crying" i dont know dad will you come with me?!?!?" sure hun"says her dad ¨

2 days later

hi mom wellcome back fro your wook trip me and dad need to talk with you "ok baby just give me a min to put my things a way ¨ NO mom we need to talk now "ok what is it?!?!" mom im... im .... im gay i like girls "i know this you dont thik i have not seen you looking at the gril at the mall when i have u try on out fits i see you look at them like your bff bells i know you'v kissed her and that hicky was from you im not stuped."

oh um.... i didntent think you saw that for 3 years iv tryed to hied it so hard iv evean cut y self trying to hide it from you." i know hun "

read the rest in part 2

Author Notes: this is a coming out story


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About This Story
31 Aug, 2018
Read Time
1 min
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