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It’s okay to be so weak at times we need to be. Human should experience all emotional feelings. That’s how we live and survive every day.

It’s nice to be weak when there is someone will be there for you to listen to care and to understand in everything you’re going through and when you have that someone. Keep it. You are WORTH IT.

All these years I’d live with God’s amazing grace. I live in his miracle every day. Where I depend on him in everything I do and I want in this life. I owe him everything.

I have blessed with a very supportive and loving Mother I never asked for.

I have blessed with a Dad who look up for me from heaven above.

I have blessed with a Brother that is so weak and fragile that has to be take care of.

I have blessed with a Boyfriend who I consider to be my better half for being there for me in my worst and good.

I have blessed with a friend who is good listener & genuine that I’ve been waiting for my whole life and I’m blessed to finally met one.

So much to thank the Lord for having this all wonderful people in my life that makes my life livable, easier, grateful, blessed and treasure. They complete me.

I pray that you can have it too. To see how wonderful life could be when you are surrounded by loving people.

Jesus us these people for you to inspire and to share your blessing to other who are in the dark days of their life. You became an instrument of God to extend the love for those people in need of a food for their soul.

Author Notes: Let God use you. Amen

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12 Aug, 2020
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