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Greater Things
Greater Things

Greater Things


life is filled with stress, anxiety and all sorts of earthly calamity. day to day i'm tripped up by any small matter, but when i look into the eyes of the universe all my worries shatter. why should i cry over such a small crater, when there are things far greater.

i applaud the reality we live and breathe, for it has wonders of magnitudes difficult to even recieve. as a spec of dust i wonder at the palace in which i rest, as a small bird safely in my nest i gaze upon the wild wilderness and sigh, dreaming of the day that i learn to fly. as humans we get to see the universe due to our intelligence and, god or no god, seeing all this i sense a divine presence. all things we seek to understand, but we are merely grains of sand and the most incomprehensible part of reality is the true vastness of eternity.

despite the confusion of the impossibilities above, i feel safe for i know i can fall back to the support of those i love. what's the meaning of life? i'll give you a clue: with everything you do, show love to the people around you.

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About This Story
21 Jul, 2020
Read Time
1 min
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