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Half and Whole
Half and Whole

Half and Whole

1 Review

"SHIT!" I scream as the losing screen shows up on phone again. "Damn it, I can't ever win this game. I'm telling you, it's cursed or something." I say to my friend Maggy. "Am I'm telling you, you're just bad at it," Maggy says as she turns off her phone and looks at me. I set my phone on my lap, slouch down and sigh. "So, what happened yesterday with you and James?" Maggy asks as she gets up from the couch. "Nothing really. Why do you ask?" I say still slouching.

"Oh no reason," Maggy says. I look at the time "I'm still sleeping over right?" I ask. "Mhm, nothings changed." Maggy walks into the kitchen and I follow her. I sit in one of the chairs and pull out my phone to text my boyfriend James.

Hey James, I'm spending the night at Maggy's house 2night. Got any plans for tomorrow?

I hear breathing, I look around and Maggy's looking at my messages! "BRUH, WHAT THE HELL DUDE?!" I scream at her as I jump from my chair. Maggy chuckles, but her face grows quiet. I look at the ground and sigh. "Mia, it's ok if you don't want to talk," Maggy says as she turns back to the counter. "Yeah... Sorry." I say. We are quiet for a bit. "Wait, suppers ready," Maggy says with a grin. "Oh yay!" I say excitedly and clap my hands together.

We both sit at the table after Maggy puts food on our plates. "Bone apateet!" I say as I lick my lips. We dig in like starved pigs. After dinner, we put our plates in the sink and rinse them off.

My phone vibrates and I look at my messages.

No, actually, remember? The pack leaders are coming to that "party" tomorrow, we all need to be there. Make sure you practice your shapeshifting.

I grab my bag and pull out my gems. "Do you have to practice today?" Maggy says sighing. "Yeah... Because tomorrow, the damn pack leaders are going to that meeting place. I have to go." I say angrily. "It must be lucky to be a part of a flock." I say sighing. "Yeah, I feel bad for you wolgons." Maggy says. I take my things and walk out the door with a frown on my face.

Author Notes: New serize! WOOP WOOP.

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17 May, 2021
Read Time
1 min
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5.0 (1 review)

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