Have you ever been lost in the woods?
By cheesestick
One day,we were walking in the woods. It had already passed 3 hours. So, we kept on going and all of a sudden I heard this noise. Was it a hobo? Then, all of a sudden this hobo said "What are you doing on my property" We were running so fast we had no idea where to go. My friend said, "Where is Taylor" Uh oh.... Did the hobo get her? We ran home and told our parents. We kept searching for her and we never saw her. We called the police. They went searching for her where the hobo was. The police smelled blood. He saw this girl on the ground, right where the hobo was. They did a test and she was murdered. So, the next day we went to the funeral. Everyone cried in to tears. She will always be kept in my heart forever. Be aware......
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