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A heck of an angel

A heck of an angel

By Roosie131

Ok I had this dog, her name was Sophie. She was the sweetest, most fun, nicest, and cutest dog I will ever meet. She was brought into my life when I was 7 years old. after school I usually ran out into the front of the school to meet up with my stepdad to go home, but today my mom was there, holding a little furball of joy. I screamed with excitment, and thrust my body at the puppy. "Is she ours?" I asked. "Yes, she's ours." My mom told me. 3 years later she's still the sweetest, most fun, nicest, and cutest dog. Then one day while my cousin, my aunt, and my uncle were over, Sophie started limping. We thought something just hit her in the leg, so we gave it a day. A couple days later we noticed her leg swelling a bit. We took her to the vet and they said it was a sprained ankle and she should be fine in a couple of weeks. Well a couple of weeks went by and she wasn't better, and the swelling got worse. We took her back to the vet and they told us she had cancer in her leg. When my mom told me, I soon found out this dog wasn't a pet, she was like a sister. She was family. Well they took her to this place to see if they could remove her leg in time to get the cancer out, and she'd be a happy, 3 legged dog. If Chuck (my stepdad) was home when I got home from school, then they wouldn't be able to fix her, but if they weren't home when I got home from school, they could fix her and she'd be ok. When I got home, they weren't home! I danced up in down, tears of happiness spilling from my eyes, and then I called my mom to tell her the news. When I told her that they weren't home, my mom said, sounding like she was crying "Honey, Chuck's on his way home." and that's when tears of sadness spilled from my eyes. I knew they'd have to put her to sleep in a month or two. When they got home, everyone (meaning my mom, me, and my brother.) started petting her and loving her. Chuck told us that we'd have time with her to make things that we regret right. I wanted to pet her whenever she wanted me to, because I hadn't before. I regret it to this day. Sje was fine for a few weeks, but then she started limping really, really, REALLY badly. So our parents told us to say our goodbyes, and they'd put her to sleep. They also told us when they got home that Sophie had an adrenaline rush, chased a squirrel, and had a GREAT last few moments. Also on that day she got bacon and eggs for breakfast, because that's just how much we loved her. Sophie, if God is letting you read this, please know that I and all the others (including my friends) still miss and love you. I can't wait to see you again, and until then, have fun Soph.

PS God, you better treat my puppy right, because boy oh boy, you have a heck of an angel.

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11 Jun, 2011
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2 mins
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