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Her Joy, My Pain
Her Joy, My Pain

Her Joy, My Pain

fazakasmateMáté Fazakas

Her Joy, My Pain

Here I write in vain,

For all this, I can't bear the pain.

All the things I never did right,

Will come back to haunt me every night

I can't see it, I really don't,

I see failure and hate, the things I've always known.

This pain from deep within, this is what I am left with,

This feeling of hatred, that never leaves me unaffected.

The red river,

It rushes down my hand,

But I say no, you have to stay,

And prove people, that you are not that frail.

The pills don't help, nor do you

Maybe you shouldn't have let me so close to you.

But that's okay, hope you'll have a good life

Mine is now buried in the knife.

My voice against hers,

This is a curse.

To which there is no end

And it will only leave me bent.

My soul is now corrupted,

as this cannot be interrupted.

I am set and ready to leave,

The long-lasting sleep I might finally achieve.

Living with this has been a nightmare,

All I see now, are the streetlights flare.

And as I sit here, in the dark,

I contemplate what my life has become.

Please forgive me, when I say it was hard,

To make that decision when it was so dark.

I considered both sides, I really did,

But it was never enough, never enough to truly leave.

Now the time has come, I must be going now.

Before her, I now shall bow.

I have to sleep, I have to sort out this mess,

And maybe try to make it a little less.

Author Notes: I want to say some things, but I feel like that would ruin the content of my work

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About The Author
Máté Fazakas
About This Story
25 Nov, 2017
Read Time
1 min
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