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Here's to the Long Nights
Here's to the Long Nights

Here's to the Long Nights

wordshealmeSam Tyler

I long for those nights,
The ones where we hit the ground running,
Without a destination in mind,
The nights that seem oh so endless,
Those nights where not another soul seems to exist,
Other than you and I,
Those nights that seem to linger on forever,
The nights that are far more spectacular than life itself.
The nights we jump in your truck,
Just to drive away from our small town,
Just to get away from everything,
Blasting the music as we let our singing drown out the universe,
I long for the nights I get to spend with you,
By your side,
In your arms,
The nights it's just you and I against the world.

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About The Author
Sam Tyler
About This Story
22 Feb, 2017
Read Time
<1 min
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