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He's in a Better place now.

He's in a Better place now.

By breathingfire

There lay the small breathless boy. Looking happier then he had in years. the boy you wouldv'e never guessed, was the one who was never loved. only beaten. you saw the bruises, an the scars, but never asked how he got them. never even questioned why he was covered in bruises from head to toe, everyday. day after day, he'd come home to what is suppose to be his loving home. instead, it was hell. he'd come home, an be welcomed with a few slaps from his mother, an a few goodnight punches from his father. he would always arrive late to school, but after awhile, the teacher expected him late to class. until one day, he didn't show up. no one questioned it. but he hadn't shown up for almost a week. where could he be? the boy had finally gone to a better place. one where he was welcomed with a smile, instead of a slap. an was given a goodnight kiss, instead of a goodnight punch...

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About This Story
28 Nov, 2011
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<1 min
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