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History of Life

History of Life

By jeancommunicates

Today history is written and tomorrow it is read. It lingers as labor of mankind for his mouth and as the poor walking before the living. What profits the rich above the poor? The heart of mourning is far better than the heart of laughter; by suffering comes the discipline of life and with it wisdom. It is wisdom that gives the history of life.

When a nation cannot walk together where few men agree, then the storm comes suddenly with wreckage to the people. One wrong doer destroys much good and a poor man's wisdom is often denied, but a child will write history and the child will be accurate. When the bar of justice is turned backward, then the leaders devour the wealth of the people, but history is given to the children to right the wrongs of leaders.

When a nation has no kindheartedness, then brother be against brother and there is no rest for the people. For who can rest knowing the brother will condemn him? A heart turned wrong benefits nothing and the heart fails at putting the brother before him. Can a friend be found without knowing the goodness within a nation? Without a kind heart, seeking love is not found.

When a nation has goodness, that good shall not be stopped and nothing can prevail against it. As one tree makes a forest; one right has made righteousness, but there is no help for the deceiver, the liar and the destroyer. Mark your words with wisdom, call our loudly for justice, record wisdom with accuracy, and be your brother's keeper in the history of life.

Author Notes: With the knowledge given to me;
I write about the world I see.

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19 Apr, 2021
Read Time
1 min
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