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Hold On, and You Will Be Fine
Hold On, and You Will Be Fine

Hold On, and You Will Be Fine

1 Review

My heart gripped with the ache of watching them silently rest one behind the other and as I bend down in gratitude, my tears broke loose

the air was calm laden with a silence which pierced straight through my heart, It was an usual morning just like yesterday. But here I was , standing with my arm wrapped around me , trying helplessly to hold it in. Nonetheless the warm drops trickled down my cheeks.

Deep down in my core, this is what I had missed. The emotions were beginning to build up in me all over again. But this time around, I could feel them reaching out to me. They were my parents after all who now rests within these walls. Perhaps they were helpless too watching me not in control,

I began getting comfortable. I wasn’t alone. I had them and somehow, it felt tedious to had been crying since months. All I needed was to get in touch with them. Because only they could have helped me get a grip over me. And so they did.

Minutes rolled into quarter of an hour, and I was beginning to feel more braver, more composed and kind of happier.

They will remain forever to give back my smiles.

Author Notes: When nothing makes much sense, they travel back to me from that other side which has permanently stole them from me, to tell me yet again - We are here my sweet baby girl.

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6 Jun, 2019
Read Time
1 min
3.0 (1 review)

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