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JanBrooks14Jan Brooks
1 Review

I rushed through the deep forest, and into the thick bushes, as fast as my feet can carry me. My heart was beating like a drum and my entire body was shaking. Nothing but darkness surrounded me and the sound of faint screams hit my ears. Tears poured down my foul and dusky cheeks, as I ran for my life.

I suddenly felt my body falling. I tumbled down a steep hill and I landed in a pile of rocks. A sharp pain surged through my right arm and I quickly covered my mouth to stifle the scream. By the time I reached the end, I was a groaning mess. The pain all over my body was unbearable. I stayed still and I did not hold back my loud sobs anymore. I did not even have the time to think or process the situation.

The sound of a loud engine echoed through the forest and a dazzling light appeared in front of me. I shielded my eyes with my good arm to dull the light as it came closer and closer. The bike came to a stop with a piercing screech as smoke filled the atmosphere. I made several attempts to get off the ground but the aches and pain on me was no avail. I snapped my head left and right looking for my friends.

"Jess, Niall," I sobbed.

The towering figure appeared infront of me with a big grin on his face. I tried my best to keep my gaze away from him. I took a deep breath and chocked out,


He didn't care to respond. The fail attempts to call my friends made me even more hopeless. Were they even still alive?

My voice was hoarse, and my cries only came out in a whisper. I clutched my aching arm, as my face contort.


Author Notes: Should I do chapters that leads up to how this happens?

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About The Author
Jan Brooks
About This Story
22 Jul, 2021
Read Time
1 min
1 (View)
5.0 (1 review)

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