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How Nut To Drink a YooHoo

How Nut To Drink a YooHoo

By DrPhilbilly

This one particular beautiful morning I was on my way to work. As usual, I stop everyday at the same quick stop in Kiln, MS and get a sausage and bacon biscuit for breakfast, with a Yoo-hoo. For those of you that may not know what a Yoo-Hoo is, it’s only the best tasting chocolate drink ever made. Now you have to keep in mind that the best way to drink a Yoo-Hoo is to shake it up real good in between sips to stir up the chocolate.

I leave the store and go down Hwy 603 headed toward Bay St Louis. I take a bite of my biscuit and wash it down with some Yoo-Hoo. I take another bite of my biscuit then grab my Yoo-Hoo bottle and I shake it up real good. The only problem was I forgot to put the top back on. Craaaaaap! It looked like a Yoo-Hoo terrorist had thrown a Yoo-Hoo grenade on the inside of my truck. Yoo-Hoo is on the windshield and all over my face. I even got Yoo-hoo in my eyes so this whole time I’m swerving down 603 like a drunk driver.

Then my day gets even better, blue lights hit me, great. I pull over to the side of the road, roll down my window and a Mississippi Highway Patrol officer steps out of his vehicle. I can see his big round hat pop into view out of the corner of my eye. We don’t say a word to each other. He takes out his ticket book, takes one look me with Yoo-Hoo dripping off my nose, an empty Yoo-Hoo bottle in my hand and he closes his ticket book. He looks at me through those big round mirror shades with his bottom lip quivering, pulls his shades down to get a better look at me from over the top, pushes them back in place and says “Have a good day sir”. You could hear him laughing all the way back to his car. I’m sure that one got passed around the patrol station. I’m just sayin’.

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About This Story
24 Jul, 2010
Read Time
1 min
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