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Hurt Her

Hurt Her

By Optimism101 - 3 Reviews

The rain poured down from the blackened sky, drenching all of my clothes. The sounds of cars going by and splashing were enough to cover my crying. It just wasn’t fair. I didn’t want to, but I had to.

I look down at the puddles and see all the lights glimmering, reflected. The other side. Was everything better over there?

Is my reflection happy, and laughing instead?

Is the rain fun?

I will never know what lies on the other side of the world.

But I wish I could be there.

Where I didn’t have to worry if she would be okay.

I didn’t have to worry if I was going to hurt.

I could live my life, happy.

But, was she happier over there?

Does she feel better than she does here?

Is she broken?

Is she okay?

I still can’t believe that I hurt her.

I didn’t want to, but I had to.

Did I do it over there too?

Am I happy because I’m free from her?

I just wish I could be free now.

I wish I could live without this guilt, this pain.

I wish that I could be happy, like I was over there.

But I wish she wasn’t broken.

If it hurts her more for me to be happy, then it isn’t worth it.

I hurt her, just because I couldn’t feel anything.

I was selfish.

All I care about is me.

But, I hope she recovers.

I hope she finds someone who won’t hurt her.

And, even though I can’t live with this pain of being without her.

No matter how much it hurts me,

I won’t hurt her again.

Author Notes: I dunno
I wish I could have made this up
I wish this was just fiction

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9 Dec, 2019
Read Time
1 min
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4.7 (3 reviews)

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