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I Don't Want to Be Me
I Don't Want to Be Me

I Don't Want to Be Me

hazel_basilhazel basil

I don't want to be me

I have so few people I trust

I can count all my true friends on my fingers

while everyone else would need to use their toes too

I'm too excited

while everyone else doesn't seem to care, no matter how important it is to them

I look too different

America is a place of diversity, yes

but I have no friends who look like me

in fact, all my friends look the exact opposite

I'm so busy

I always am going from one place to another

always on a schedule

I have people to see and places to be

but my friends have so much free time

they all hang out on a whim

and I can't be there

FOMO am I right?

I'm single

and will likely stay so

five of my six friends have had some sort of relationship

while I've never had a boy tell me they love me

I'm just not

I just don't want to be me

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About The Author
hazel basil
About This Story
7 Feb, 2022
Read Time
<1 min
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