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I Could Never Do That to You
I Could Never Do That to You

I Could Never Do That to You

2 Reviews

Remember that night we held hands and sang along to that stupid movie that you love so dearly? Something in me changed that night. I no longer hated that movie, instead, it now gives me comfort to me in my dark days. The songs I thought were so dumb and silly now make me warm and fuzzy inside and make me feel a joy I've been missing for a long time. Each word reminds me of the beautiful moment we shared that night.

Then I realized that the reason these songs were now so sweet to me was because I love you.

Now, each time I see you I think about the relationship we could have, soft kisses as your songs played around us, and warm hugs each time we saw each other. But as I think of that I start to feel a sorrow fill my chest. I could never give you that life.

I know you would never understand but I can't give you the joy and freedom you deserve.

If I told you my feelings and you felt the same, we could be one. Together. But I would be opening the door of my cage and you would join me in my imprisonment. You might say 'oh it's not that bad' when you first enter but then you would be stuck there, unable to leave the hell I have grown comfortable in.

and I could never allow that kind of pain to enter your soft soul.

So I sit here, those silly songs from that silly movie playing quietly in my ears, as I watch you laughing with our other friends, my heart falling apart as I face the fact that you will never be mine and I will never yours. My heart aches but I could never do that to you. I love you too much.

So I stay here silent. Stuck in my cage. You will never know my feeling for you, but I hope you will find someone who loves you as much as I do, so they can give you the life you deserve in the light that lies far from my little cage.

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About This Story
11 Nov, 2020
Read Time
1 min
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5.0 (2 reviews)
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