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I fell in love with a rose

I fell in love with a rose

By sweetmoon

Yeah love stories end with a happy ending, but mines did not. I fell in love right on my high school years. Yet, I never once told her about my love. Maybe the fact that been best friends is a pain that most have to deal with and yet even thought we know we don't suppost to fall in love, we do.

One day my best friend yell at me cause she was so mad about how the teacher had giving her an "F". I did not really pay attetion to her words, then when she notice that i have been thiking about someone else, she yell at me again. I really did not know what to say, so she walk away. Two weeks later, she dated the jerk and popular guy from school. Againg, i ignore her and hang out with my friends while she now became the most famous- yet so talented girl.

Finally after so long i came to realize that the jerk in school was me. She no longer told me her stuff and she no longer talk with me. Later i change school and just yesterday i got a mail....She had died on an airplane crush...Now i know that she was my rose and i was the rain who made her days even sad...i wonder if i can go to see her soon.

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About This Story
31 Mar, 2011
Read Time
1 min
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