I killed you.
That's it. I can't take this shithole anymore. LET ME OUT ALREADY. I didn't kill Blake. No wait, maybe I did. But it wasnt my fault. He forced me to. Him and that bitch, Rebecca.
Second semester was perfect. I couldn't have asked for more. Got into a secret relationship with Blake. It was totally fun. But I began to hate that you wouldn't let us go public. Excuses and excuses, lie after lie. And i believed them. I believed you.
I should've known when she came. All fresh and innocent. A player like you can't resist a new game.
I still laugh late at night at you. You miserable bastard. You got what you deserved. Of course, it took the cops a while to figure it was me. And yeah that's right, i tried to shift the blame onto your pathetic little Rebecca. I got caught. HAHA. Not that i minded. I managed to destroy her. Because i killed you, Blake, yes I did.
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