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I Love You.
I  Love You.

I Love You.


‘ I love you’ she said as her legs dangled of the side of the cliff. Looking in my eyes, I knew then our souls were connected. She made me feel so many things that I didn’t know I could. My heart skipping a beat every time I see her, I knew that whatever our souls were made off mine and hers were the same and that we were connected somehow. My life has always been better with her.

Hi I’m liv and this is my story…..

Me and my girlfriend, her name is Everly have been best friends from since I can remember, I cant remember when she wasn’t in my life it’s like she knows when I need her most and for some reason she always show up. But anyways lets start from the beginning.

Mine and Everly’s parents have been friends since god know how long, so automatically me and Everly knew we were going to be best friends. We practically grew up together. Well that was until our parents had a massive arguments, it was mainly our dads but it really put a strain of mine and Everly’s mums as well. Which didn’t make any sense because it was literally all because I got into a fight which Everly tried to get me out of, but because it’s me and I’m very high strong she couldn’t stop me, so because she tried to stop me she ended up getting hurt. you don’t know how guilty I felt, my whole world just collapsed to see her in pain. I stopped getting into fight after that. Well kind of I guess, I still managed to get myself into a few fights but not many. Anyways our parents got into a fight because they said I was a bad influence and that I should stay away from her ( if you couldn’t tell I’m the trouble maker and Everly well she is the good girl. I know typical lesbian relationship) but at this point we were already dating. They couldn’t stop us from dating and when I told my dad I wasn’t going to stop dating her my dad lost his mind and well that turned into a massive argument….. which went a little something like this;

‘ your going to stop seeing her do you hear me, I’m not having a Donnellan dating a miller it will never work.’

‘ dad as much as I love you, I’m not going to stop seeing her… I love her so much dad and I’m not just going to throw that away because you don’t like her. I’m sorry that you and uncle Gary had an argument but it has nothing to do with me and her so no I’m not going to stop seeing her’

‘don’t call him Uncle Gary, you know what better yet don’t say his name at all. And I forbid you to see her again because as long as your with her your no daughter of mine, do you hear me’

I didn’t look at this point, all I could was look at the floor. He grabbed my chin….

‘ do you hear me? I said your not aloud to be with her?’

‘ get off me, and yes I did hear you’!

‘ don’t yell at me sweetheart I’m doing this for your own protection who knows what kind of thing there talking about over at that dump.’

‘ my protection, oh you are funny dad.’

Water streaming down from my eyes. What were these? Were these tears? And if they were why are there so many of them? if you couldn’t tell I don’t ‘cry’ much. I hold it all in and bottle it up then put it in a box and lock it away and then keep it in the back of my mind. It’s easier that way.

‘ yes for your protection. I’m only doing this cause I love you, liv please look at me’

‘ you love me? is that what your trying to go with here. I don’t think so because if you loved me you would let me be with her. You don’t know how I feel about her. I’m sorry dad but I’m not going to break up with her just because you have stuck your fist in your mouth and said something that Gary doesn’t like. Why should that have to be down to me and Everly. Dad please I love her so much, please don’t make me do this. Please dad she is my whole soul. If I don’t have her then it feels like a piece of me is missing. Please. Dad.’

‘ I’m sorry liv. That’s my final decision. If you don’t break up with her then I will do it for you.’

‘ what? You cant do that. Please dad she completes me I need her in my life. You don’t understand.’

‘ I can do it and I will. Do as I say’

‘ whatever’

I walked off I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t do it anymore. He is so controlling. I get it he is trying to look out for me, but I love her I really do and I may not say as much as I should but I don’t know what I would do without her. I would simply die. Ok maybe that’s a bit over dramatic but I would generally take a bullet for her. Wow this is starting to sound like my favourite book, Romeo and Juliet… ever heard of it? It’s my all time favourite book, I love Shakespeare. He just gets me you know, he puts down on paper what he feels and he all just writes what I’m thinking without me having to tell him what I think. I know, I know… the trouble maker like Shakespeare well that’s ironic. I don’t know but I have tried to be more sensible, I guess is what you could call it. My mum Is waiting in my room for me, this can never be good….

‘ hey sweetie’

‘ hey mum, why are you just sitting on me bed. Is everything ok?’

‘ yes I just heard yours and dads little argument down there, look just do what he says then everyone will be happy ok?’

‘ no not everyone will be happy though mum, he wants me to break up Everly, mum. I cant. You know how much I love her and I’m not just going to break up with her because dad may or may not have a problem with her dad. Mum its madness. You and Beverly don’t have any bad blood, cant you please talk some sense into dad? At least tell him how you feel about the situation. Please mum I need him to hear how much I love her. She’s a part of me. please mum.’

‘ darling I wish I could you know that, but you know your dad he has a very short temperament if I say something he doesn’t like, you know how bad he can be. I know you love her darling I think you just need to accept the fact that your dad is always going to have a problem with you and her dating’

‘ I know, I know he has a short temperament, trust me I still have the bruises to prove it’

‘ ok, ok you know that he didn’t mean to give you them bruises it was an accident, the moment just got heated and you and I both know that’

‘ ok whatever mum, it’s in the past I don’t care anymore’

‘ then why bring it up?’

‘ because mum, they are constant reminders of how much of an asshole he is, ok mum he has treated me like shit my whole life and for once I want to be able to stick up for myself and be able to look at myself without thinking, oh yep got that bruise from dad or yep that cut is wear dad pushed me and I fell onto glass. And your defending him? What does that say about you? Not very good things’

‘ I’m not defending him, I love your father very much and I’m not saying that his actions very good at all but you did provoke him and he did what he needed to do to make you shut up’

‘ what are you girl talking about’

‘nothing, I was just telling mum I was about to go out for a bit, I need to clear my head and think about the decision that I’m going to make and whether to do something or not’

‘ would this something have anything to do with breaking up with Everly’

‘ I don’t know. I need to clear my head’

He moved in front of the door. Seriously all I want to do is get out of here I need to clear my head. I need to be alone with my thought. Well in reality I’m going to see Everly but they don’t need to know that.

‘ dad please move I want to get out. Move dad.’

‘ I will when you promise me you will break up with her.’

‘ no promises but yes that is one of my thoughts’

‘ good, now go on. Be back for dinner. At 8?’

‘ no promises’

He is so annoying, I just want to be left alone. I need to go see her now. I couldn’t go to her house.. for obvious reasons so I messaged her….

Liv; meet our place in 25 mins

Ev; why is everything ok?

Liv; yes everything’s fine, we just need to talk…

Ev; ok, I’ll leave now. See you soon. I love you

Read. I left her on read. I’m so mad at my dad so I take it out on her. How unfair is that. She knows I love her. Our spot there it was. Our spot was just above the sea, it was a little cliff that me and Everly used to go to when we were younger. We call it our place, because well it is very special to us. We only go there is somethings wrong.

I caught her up on everything….

‘ wait, so because we have last names he forbids you to go out with me?’

‘ yep, I know it sucks but I don’t know what else to do. I explained to my dad how much I love you and h-‘

‘wait you told your dad that you love me? you have never said that to me before’

‘ oh, well yes I do love you I love you so much. You don’t understand. I would take a bullet for you’

‘ wow- for once I’m speechless. I love you so much baby’

I couldn’t help it, I looked into her eyes and that’s it I just kissed her. I didn’t mean to but I needed to. She is the only little bit of hope that is keeping me here. She doesn’t understand how much I need her. How much she has helped me. she saved me.

‘ I love you’ she said. This time I knew she actually meant it…..

Author Notes: hi, my lovelies. I'm so sorry, that I haven't been active recently. I have just recently finished my exams and I'm very stressed out with a lot of course work for year 11, hopefully I can get some more stories soon. this one finally has a happy ending as I know some people wanted it. but once again please bare with me. thank you for your support <3

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About This Story
28 Jun, 2021
Read Time
9 mins
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