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I Need You
I Need You

I Need You

wordshealmeSam Tyler
1 Review

I wish you could realize
that I need you
a lot.

But you're too wrapped up
in your own life
because you
apparently are more important
than your children.

I wish you could realize
that I still feel dead inside.

But you don't bother
to even ask me how I am
or to take me seriously
when I tell you
that I want to die.

You say
"You're just frustrated
and don't know how to express yourself".

It's oh so much more
than just mere frustration
at this point it's
a legitimate deat
wish I have for myself.

But you're too blind
too in denial
to see just how hurt
I truly am.

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About The Author
Sam Tyler
About This Story
22 Feb, 2017
Read Time
<1 min
5.0 (1 review)

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