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I Should Let You Go.

I Should Let You Go.

By acosange - 1 Review

I feel like I should let you go,
But then I feel like I should keep you safe in my arms.
Everyone says that I'm too blind to see, 
That what you're doing is slowly killing me.
But I don't care what others say.
I love you too much to say goodbye.
I would have my heart broken by you so many times if it shows that I'm here to stay.
I'm here to stay, forever and always.
But what if I let you go one day?
What if I let myself go?
Would you miss me when I'm gone?
Maybe you would, maybe you wouldn't.
But I know that I will miss you, terribly.
I'll miss the smell of you.
I'll miss the way you fit in my arms.
I'd simply just miss you too much.
Maybe we both would die from loneliness and once that happens, we will both see that we are made for each other.
Maybe YOU will see that I'm the one you've been looking for all these years.
I've been here, waiting for you to finally see I'm the one you need.

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About This Story
7 Jun, 2015
Read Time
<1 min
4.0 (1 review)

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