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I Thought I Was in Love
I Thought I Was in Love

I Thought I Was in Love

PhilosopherTrash I am Sorry
1 Review

I thought I was in love. I had known her as my best friend for a year, but I never let her know my real feelings. But I thought I loved her, my best friend. I met someone who was in the dark, and I did everything I could to bring her into the light. I gave her everything I had to save her. She would push me away, and try to get me to leave, but I couldn't. I thought I was in love. I gave the help that she needed to come into the light. And in the light, she shined. Each day, I would watch with a smile as she spoke a little more every day. As she became happy. She knew that I loved her, that I took care of her. And eventually, she tried to give me that love back. She made me happier than I ever felt. But it was a lie. She didn't love me, not like that. But I lived in ignorance for months. I didn't want to believe it, but when the words came from her mouth, I had to.

I fell into the darkness that she came from. I became the worst part of me. Pushing my friends and family away, when all they wanted was to help. When I saw the girl that broke me, I couldn't look her in the eye. I couldn't even say her name. It hurt her, that her best friend was so broken. And that she was the one that broke me. Yet, I still thought I loved her. No matter where I was, I would glance around, hoping I would see her. She became the best and worst thing that ever happened to me. Then, she fell in love. She met someone who would give her what she wanted. Not a friend, but a companion for as long as she would have him. She was happier than I ever made her. And if that made her happy, I'd accept it above anything.

I tried my best to move on. But it was the hardest thing I'd ever had to do. She was the person I thought I was meant to be with. I spent everyday watching the girl I loved smile because of someone else. I thought I would love her until I didn't know how. But I found someone else. Someone who made me feel something so different. I felt like I didn't have to give up who I was just for them to be happy. They cared about me the way I was. I had thought I known what love was. But this was so much more peaceful than before. She didn't expect me to go through any pain for her, but I'd do it if she asked. She was what I had hoped to find in my best friend. All of that and more. I fell in love.

Author Notes: Golly, this is bad. I'm sorry if your eyes had to read this. Also, in case of curiosity, I still love this person and I have not yet told them. My best friend is still my best friend, and she's very happy with her boyfriend. Bye, I guess.

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About The Author
Trash I am Sorry
About This Story
6 Jan, 2017
Read Time
2 mins
4.0 (1 review)

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