I Wish I Was Skinny
By eloise2006 - 2 Reviews
sometimes i wish i was skinny
i wish that my clothes were too big instead of too small
i wish that i could let my arms breath
that my legs could be free from all the pain i put them through
trying to fit into sizes too small
because thast the only way i feel pretty
the only time i feel pretty is when i'm hungry
and i know that sounds bad. buts its true.
maybe im being over dramatic
maybe the decisions i make are stupid
but sometimes i iwsh that i would shrivel into half my size
that chocolate and crisps werent so tempting
that people in society werent so judgemental
that they learned to keep there stares to themselves
that being pretty wasnt based on looks
that people got how i was feeling instead of phuaing me away
that i could get some help without a diagnosis becayse maybe with a diagnosis people would understand what's wrong with me
then maybe i would know what was wrong with me
but getting that diagnosis means leaving my house
which meaning leaving my bed
which is something i'm not yet prepared to do
because once you leave all the whsipers and the stares start
and there is no way you can control them but maybe if i was skinny i could.
Author Notes: sorry i havent been posting a lot, ive started college and didnt have much time. But i have a lot of new poems to upload.
hope you enjoy :)
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