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If I had All the Time in the World

If I had All the Time in the World

By Jenkins

There once was a boy named Tyler and a girl named Sarah. They loved eachother more than anybody can possibly love eachother.Well one day he told Sarah that he was going to be in the army and she said "If only we had all the time in the world." and he would say "What do you mean?" and she said "Soon you shall find out." and he waited and he asked "Honey, when will you tell me what you where talking about the other day when you said if only we had all the time in the world?" She said "You shall soon see." So he waited and waited and waited. He waited for two years and he said "Honey when are you going to tell me what you where talking about when you said If only we had all the time in the world?" She answer "Soon you shall find out." "Honey I have waited for two years he said and she said "I ment we don't have all the time in the world," she looked at him with stars in her eyes "I want to get married and have kids and I want you to be right here beside me like the stars and the moon they are partners like peanut butter and jelly they are stuck like glue that should be us, I don't want you to leave and I am ill." She said not expecting his next response if he would have one,"It doesnt' matter if you are ill or if how far away I am from you, we belong together and you are the key to my heart...How are you ill and why did you never tell me that you felt that way?" He asked her patiently, "My heart needs to be repaired... or it just was and I wasn't sure how you would feel and I wouldn't want to scare you away," She looks down at her stomach,"and besides you're gonna be a daddy!" She says smiling. "Baby, you would never scare me away even if you where the ugliest,fatest girl ever and how far along are you?He asked smiling.

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About This Story
16 Sep, 2011
Read Time
1 min
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