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If Unicorns Were Real...
If Unicorns Were Real...

If Unicorns Were Real...

2 Reviews

If unicorns were real...

I think they'd have long manes,

Manes that would blow in the breeze,

the kind of manes that people would try too hard to seize.

Soft, with beautiful colors -

From gold to the purest white

Maybe even twinkling with light.

If unicorns were real...

I imagine them running around somewhere magical,

A lake, surrounded by trees

On a beach, close to the seas

They'd run so fast,

so graceful, so beautifully

Just trying to outlast,

Being killed, stuffed,

having their heads mounted on a wall

Just trying to forestall,

Their undenying fate.

If unicorns were real,

I see them being lured into zoos,

Not able to refuse,

The unfair treatment,

just trying to stay alive,

Their freedom, they are now deprived

Locked up and away,

left there to decay.

I can see,

children throwing their popcorn,

not stopping as the unicorns mourn,

left to rot, left to crawl,

just feeling so small...

If unicorns were real...

Im sure they'd be extinct by now,

just watching away as the people plow,

at their existance, as they shake them till they're dead,

using them, unicorns, just to be bred

In a cycle, trying their best to stroll along

Wondering... where it could've went wrong

If unicorns were real...

Well I'm just glad they're not real.

Author Notes: FYUHDSJSFDS- I dunno. I haven't wrote anything in a while so i just thought i might- YwY

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6 Apr, 2022
Read Time
1 min
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5.0 (2 reviews)

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