I'll never be good enough
I'll never understand it. Why do girls always seem to go for the ones with good looks, power and domanince. I'm something of a different inspiration. I always seem to find myself in a worry of doubt that I will never be good enough. So alone and lonely that the only answer to the pain is temporary relief, drugs and alcohol.
Clean for 2 years and the relapse sets in. It's as if I'm gone and forgotten just as quickly as you knew me. All of you just forgot me as if I was a speck of dust on your shoulder. When will you realize I am never the one that aided you in your time of hurt, in your struggles. I was the support beam to your life. That was the problem, we never seem to really think we are good enough for anybody.
Nobody deserves me because I don't even deserve myself. I hate myself, my appearance and all of the above. I will never understand the understanding that lies in your head. Where is the answer? Beyond the question no doubt.
Liars. All liars. A story of how we all come to be gone but never forgotten, but I'm the different story.
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