"Are you ok?"
He said it like there wasn't a care in the world, yet it made my head sweat and anxiety started to drown me.
Am I ok? No. Not at all. Each day gets longer. Each day the void in my heart only grows. Each day the cuts on my wrist get deeper, and the bandage gets tighter. I'm depressed. I suffer anxiety. So no... I'm not ok.
But should I tell him? Should I tell him how much I want to die. Maybe I should. I want to tell him. I want to lean on his chest, and tell him how much it hurts. I want to pour my eyes out until all the pain washes away, and I want him to pull me in tighter and tell me everything will be ok. That he will help me get through this.
Maybe I should tell him. But instead I reply with,
"I'm fine."
And he believes me... just like everyone else.
Author Notes: I know it is probably not grammatically correct and I'm welcome to all advice!
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