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I'm Fine
I'm Fine

I'm Fine

1 Review

Hey, I’m Luella, and this, well this Is my story. It all started on a winter morning. It was cold so I just got out of bed and but my fluffy socks on and a warm fuzzy jumper. I had a headache that day. I decided to go downstairs, normally my mum is downstairs, but she was no where to be found on this particular morning. I checked to see if she was still asleep, I thought maybe she was just sleeping in, but she was not there, and neither was my dad. I went to check my brother’s room, but they were not there. I tried calling my dad but no answer, then I tried my mum no answer. I thought maybe that had gone shopping for groceries, it was a Sunday morning after all. I did not think anything of it at the time. I thought maybe, they would be back in no time. Later on, in the day I heard footsteps coming through the door, I shouted down mum, dad. Is that you? No reply. I went downstairs to check what was going on, hoping that I was not in any danger. On the way down I spotted a bat, my brother’s baseball bat, I grabbed it just so I did not take any chances. I went downstairs trying not to make any noise, I could hear my heavy breathing with each footstep that I took. I was so scared, my neighbour hood is quite safe so this is the first time I am actually experiencing anything like this. I heard rattling in the kitchen. I froze. Right there on the spot. My legs were like jelly. My arms suddenly becoming really heavy. My head pounding. My heart feeling like it is about to come out of my chest. I walked down the stairs, still trying to be as quiet as possible. I ducked down, so I could maybe get a better look at who this person was. Hoping that they couldn’t hear or see me I tried to get a closer look at who they were. The floorboard creaked. I had completely forgot about the creaky floorboard. He stopped what he was doing and turned around, without hesitation I ran into the living room. I think he saw me. I think he heard me. I could hear footsteps approaching me, I didn’t know where to hide. I didn’t know where to go. I froze completely standing there froze. Move just move. I couldn’t. my legs felling like jelly again. My arms becoming heavy. My head pounding, my heart thumping, this time really coming out of my chest. He approached closer and closer. Me becoming more scared and scared. Me trying to move back. I tried to move but I couldn’t. I just stood there. Why did I just stood there. I think back to it now and wonder why I did not just move. It was not that hard to just move and hide, there were so many places to just hide. I could of hid literally anywhere, no instead I just stood there and waited for him to see me, waiting for him to come and say found you. He found me in the end, he looked my up and down and told me to give him so cash. Of course I did not have any, what was I supposed to say to him. I thought maybe he was the reason none of my family were here. Without even knowing it I bursted out crying. My eyes filling with tears, not knowing what to do next I fell to the floor. He laughed at me, then grabbed me and chucked me somewhere, to be honest it is such a blur. I remember hitting my head and then I remember blacking out. I hit my head quite hard. I remember waking up and seeing this strange room it was filled with table and chairs. I remember looking around and wondering what this place is. I felt lightheaded like someone had hit be around the head with a hammer. The man walked into the room that I was in, I asked him why he did this, where the hell am I? He looked at me and laughed. He walked out again. I heard screaming from the back of the room, scared to go and have a look, I got up anyway and it took all the courage I could get to be able to go and look. I looked and my mum was there tied up with a rope and she looked like she was in pain. My dad passed out next to her, and my brothers laying hopelessly on the floor. Quickly the first thing I could do was untie my mum. Then I tried to wake my brother’s up. After about 30 seconds of trying hopelessly to wake my brother’s up, they finally woke up. I was so thankful, I felt so grateful. They were alive. My mum eventually woke my dad up. I told my parents and my brothers to get out as there was an exit door at the back, they said what about you. I said I would sort my self out after, just go…. Them staring back at me like I’m crazy. RUN! I just said run. I did not give them an alternative or a choice at this point I cared way too much about them to let them get hurt. I hugged my brother’s one last time before they went. Just in case. I wanted them to have a good memory of me, I took of my ring and my cosy warm jumper that I had on. I quickly rushed them out of the door. I knew if I went like this, I would hurt them so much, as the door opened sirens went off. I did not know what to do, I rushed them out the door without a hesitation in sight. My head dizzy with thoughts. I closed the door behind them. Waiting for kidnapper or robber to come through. He never did, without a doubt I walked out the door. We moved houses after this. Moved towns and we even moved cities. Since this day I get very paranoid. I’m trying to get out of this. It’s been 2 years since the robbery and kidnapping.

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About This Story
24 Nov, 2020
Read Time
5 mins
5.0 (1 review)

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